Sunday, July 19, 2009

on my way to a smaller carbon footprint

I have been trying to get on board with the reusable bags a lot of people carry around. I always forget to have the bag in my possession OR I just buy too much for a single bag. I just found some REALLY cute bags at and

The map tote is exactly what it sounds like: a canvas tote with a hand-drawn screen printed map of a major city. I purchased the London - my next big adventure. They are made by a couple of artists in Brooklyn, and range from $15-$30. It is a funky and cute all at the same time!

Envirosax are light weight, water proof eco-friendly bags made in Queensland, Australia. The company, founded by a husband/wife team, operate in a ecologically sustainable environment. It is off the grid, which makes the point it can be done. The company's primary goal is to spread the environmental dangers in using/discarding plastic bags. The company even donates a percentage of sales to different environmental charities and organizations. Environsax can hold up to two supermarket plastic bags. You can purchase individual bags or a set of five bags in their graphic series. The bags in that series range from $8.50-$37.50.
Like Armstrong said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Corny. I know.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

the land of the free

Happy Independence Day! I am so blessed to be a citizen of this country!

(Too bad I have to work today.)

Friday, July 3, 2009

TOMS shoes

I keep seeing this phone company commercial where the guy speaking works for TOMS shoes. Apparently, every pair of shoes a customer buys the company will donate a pair to a child in need. It is a really sweet commercial and concept. Well, after months of watching I finally looked up the website to see their selection. Their shoes aren't my style, but I loved their shirts. (Graphic tees make me smile.) The same concept on the shoes worked on every item they sold. So, I purchased two shirts and "donated" two pairs of shoes. It made me feel good inside.

Check out their website:

i want it now

I am having the sudden urge to go on a trip. It could be the fact I was getting a pedicure this morning and the two girls next to me were discussing their next adventure out of the country. One of the girls, who just got back from Paris, said that trip was not a vacation to her. (brat.) I don't want a two to three hour car ride to the beach, but a nine hour flight somewhere out of the country. These inklings have been hitting me before this morning. Maybe it's the fact everyone around me is getting married and going on these exotic honeymoons. Me? I'm no where to getting married, so it's up to me start saving.

My problem is (besides the lack of funds) I have no idea where I want to go. I've done Australia, Belize (pic), and France. Maybe South Africa or Morocco?!? Who knows. I feel like the girl in Willy Wonka standing on the egg scale screaming, "I want it now!" Too bad that's not going to happen.