Sunday, July 19, 2009

on my way to a smaller carbon footprint

I have been trying to get on board with the reusable bags a lot of people carry around. I always forget to have the bag in my possession OR I just buy too much for a single bag. I just found some REALLY cute bags at and

The map tote is exactly what it sounds like: a canvas tote with a hand-drawn screen printed map of a major city. I purchased the London - my next big adventure. They are made by a couple of artists in Brooklyn, and range from $15-$30. It is a funky and cute all at the same time!

Envirosax are light weight, water proof eco-friendly bags made in Queensland, Australia. The company, founded by a husband/wife team, operate in a ecologically sustainable environment. It is off the grid, which makes the point it can be done. The company's primary goal is to spread the environmental dangers in using/discarding plastic bags. The company even donates a percentage of sales to different environmental charities and organizations. Environsax can hold up to two supermarket plastic bags. You can purchase individual bags or a set of five bags in their graphic series. The bags in that series range from $8.50-$37.50.
Like Armstrong said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Corny. I know.

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