Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Has it almost been a year since I've posted last? Goodness. I guess that means there has not been anything of importance to share. Just kidding. Life has been extremely busy and crazy good. Here are some of my loves over the past year:

Large Longchamp tote = best school bag ever

Oh Austin, how I love you. Everything is bigger in Texas, and capital building proves it. You could see the building from every angle of the city.  

I'm not a big take-a-picture-of-a-flower person, but this flower called out to me to capture its glory. Love the mountains...especially Montreat. 

Check out my friend's stationery business Foster and Stella. These thank you cards are by far my favs in her collection.

My macbook pro. Best and smartest purchase I've made in my adult life. That's saying something.

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