Friday, July 3, 2009

i want it now

I am having the sudden urge to go on a trip. It could be the fact I was getting a pedicure this morning and the two girls next to me were discussing their next adventure out of the country. One of the girls, who just got back from Paris, said that trip was not a vacation to her. (brat.) I don't want a two to three hour car ride to the beach, but a nine hour flight somewhere out of the country. These inklings have been hitting me before this morning. Maybe it's the fact everyone around me is getting married and going on these exotic honeymoons. Me? I'm no where to getting married, so it's up to me start saving.

My problem is (besides the lack of funds) I have no idea where I want to go. I've done Australia, Belize (pic), and France. Maybe South Africa or Morocco?!? Who knows. I feel like the girl in Willy Wonka standing on the egg scale screaming, "I want it now!" Too bad that's not going to happen.

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